Travel Guide

A Guide for Taking Better Photos of Your Journey

Travel Photography

How can I improve my travel photography?” Well, it is one of the most searched queries on the internet by travel enthusiasts and travel bloggers.  

Honestly speaking, travel photography is not rocket science. It means you can practice until you get the hang of it. In this digital age and world, where we interact solely through pictures and our lives are on the scroll, putting your best foot forward can be very challenging. 

Check this guide to unravel a few travel photography tips which will help you capture fascinating views on your next trip!

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Tips for Travel Photography

Pack Light

Travel photography is inherently fun and adventurous. However, you can easily get distracted with preparations. 

Let’s say you decide to travel with your personal photography kit, you’ll have to travel light. We would recommend carrying a lightweight mini tripod, pocket-size compact, wad of memory cards, and maybe flash unit. Furthermore, you can also add a selection of lenses and a reliable camera bag that can help you carry everything with ease.

Know Your Camera & Lenses 

Camera and Lenses

Travelling means that you’re likely to experience unimaginable things – and it is a treat for passionate photographers. So, you need to be extremely prepared with your gear. 

Deciding which lenses to bring along could either progress your work or hinder you in the travel zone. If you can only afford one glass, pick a fast zoom such as an 18-200mm or 28-300mm, etc. 

Focal points will vary depending on the distance, could be very close in your range or could be far off your range. Grab a variable focal length lens that offers a wide range of angles. 

If you have more space for another one, you can carry a portrait prime lens of 50mm or 85mm, a zoom lens of range between 10-24mm, and a telephoto of either 70mm or 200mm. 

Shoot Smartly 

Shooting can be tricky and if anything out of the ordinary happens you have to be prepared. Taking photos in JPEG Fine is a great deal and can result in a fascinating outcome. 

However, high-quality photos like such require more space and for that, you need to have many high storage memory cards.

Every time you are back from the shoot, download all your images to your laptop and keep your memory card storage empty. 

Also, wherever you go for travel shooting again, make sure to keep twice the amount of memory cards than you would need. 

Be Vigilant 

A skilled and experienced photographer takes time to note down everything about the shooting event. 

This could be very useful when you will need to add key phrases, captions of your travel spots, people, culture, food, and activities showcased in your photos. 

Find Locations

Find Locations

Making unique or different content for people can be difficult too, sometimes you need to look for inspiration around. 

For travel photography, before taking a road trip or hiking, request your closest tourist information centre for any recommendations.

Describe your preferences or ideas of photography and then see through all the recommendations you get from local guides or other travel photographers. 

Search for different areas or resorts from the postcard stand to get a better idea. You can also search on the internet, check the travel guide book. 

Once you collect your ideas and spots for shooting, make a list to help you remember. 

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Shoot for Portraits 

Travelers often feel hesitant when asking for portraits. Well, getting a shot of the local environment and beautiful public spots helps you enrich your portfolio and experience.

Instead of taking a telephoto shot from distance in fear of rejection, try to engage and interact with the local people. 

If they are not comfortable with being in a portrait, you can greet them with a thank you and move on. However, if someone smiles and agrees for a portrait, capture a few photos. 

There is a high chance of them being shy or uncomfortable in the beginning. You can make them comfortable by displaying your camera screen and show the shots you’ve captured. 

If you find them relaxed and comfortable after the first few initial shots, you can take a few more and be sure about when to stop. 

Think Creatively

Think Creatively

Your goal is not to be generic and subtle like the crowd when you are a travel photographer, you have to stand out with your talent and skills. 

Start slow and limited with your shots, maybe 10 safe shots where you bring attention to the composition, texture, angle and technique of the photo. 

You can always increase the pace of your process from there and unfold your creative skills.

While these are a few tips to help you get your head in the competition, you can learn much more from your experiences and get in touch with other professional photographers to get a hunch of what is travel photography.

Sumit Kapoor
Sumit Kapoor is a passionate blogger and working as a marketing manager on He has written blogs on various topics like SEO, travel, health, food, lifestyle, etc. He has assisted many clients from different industries and helped them improve their online strategies.

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