Travel Tips

8 Tips for Planning a Night Out in NYC

Night Out in NYC

New York City is an amazing place and trying to fit all the things you want to do into one night is – well, it’s impossible! But here are eight tips as to how you can have the best night out in New York City.

Tips for Planning a Night Out In NYC

1. Book Early!

Whatever you are planning to do: Broadway show, lunch at a fancy restaurant, or chill in a midtown hotel – remember that New York is a bustling and busy city all the time. Events will sell out, hotels will fill up, and restaurants will have closed their reservations, sometimes weeks before your visit. Book for everything and then plan your day to make sure you hit all those places at the right time – nothing is worse than losing your reservation fee because you got stuck in traffic!

2. Plan Everything

Getting everyone to New York City and then exploring together requires some serious logistics. And there is invariably one member of the party who says they’ll join you later or that they want to go off on their own for a bit. If you have a planned and sharable itinerary, they will be able to come and go as they please and you won’t have to stress about anyone getting lost.

3. Confirm Your Guest List

Work out who is coming and any limitations they may have. Disabled people need accommodations in order to have a safe and fun time, while older folk might run out of stamina before the evening has even really started! Make sure you tailor the itinerary to suit everyone coming along, and don’t be shy to offer early nights and opt-outs to those most likely to flag if an evening is too strenuous.

Also Read: Things To Do Before Sunset In NYC

4. How Are You Travelling?

But the best way to prevent losing sight of bodies is to supply some form of communal transport: limos or taxis for small parties, party buses for bigger groups – to find out more about NYC party bus click here. You can, of course, use the subway and public transport to get around, but if you are going to do this, you will need to add on a lot of commuting time to your night out – and make sure that you know when the last trains and buses are (they usually stop between midnight and 6:30am).

5. What (and Where) Will You Eat?

Make a list of everyone’s must-have foods: authentic New York pizza, for example, and also make sure you know everyone’s allergies and intolerances too. It would be unkind, for example, to book a meal in a South American steakhouse if one of your party is vegan!

6. Watch Live Music

New York has a thriving music scene, and you should find some new and exciting bands to listen to. You never know you might be able to tell your children one day that you were at [insert world famous band here]’s first ever gig – and hanging onto your ticket stub is a good idea too: this sort of memorabilia can become astonishingly valuable. But even if it doesn’t, you will enjoy fresh new music and hearing unique sounds.

7. Watch a TV Show Live

Another New York feature is the filming of TV shows in front of a live studio audience. See if you can score seats to see an episode or two being filmed and make sure you laugh loudly enough to be hear on the laugh track!

8. Before and After

All good campaigns have a good plan of attack and a period for debriefing afterwards and parties are no different. Ask for everyone’s input while planning your night out, and check back with them afterwards to make sure everything went as well as could be hoped.

Sumit Kapoor
Sumit Kapoor is a passionate blogger and working as a marketing manager on He has written blogs on various topics like SEO, travel, health, food, lifestyle, etc. He has assisted many clients from different industries and helped them improve their online strategies.

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