Travel Tips

Reasons Why Xoxo Tours Says Music Concerts Can Be the Most Out Of the Box First Date Ideas

First Date Ideas

Music has the power to connect us. That’s what people say. And that’s what Xoxo Tours truly believe can help you click with your travel partner on your first date. The world’s leading social travel website has an interesting take on why music concerts can be one of the best out of the box first date ideas for solo travelers.

To be honest, deciding what to do on the first travel date can be a tricky decision. Select the wrong activity and a potentially fun-filled day could easily be turned into a disastrous event. If you want to guarantee that your first date leads to a second one, you need to take the help of music because everyone likes music, right? If your travel partner doesn’t like music, then you should probably think about traveling together with the person.

Music concerts can be really fun to go out with on your first date if you have a similar taste in music. Even if you don’t like the same kind of music, there is something about the fun and positive energy at these concerts that can help make your first travel date more memorable. If you are still wondering why music concerts are one of the best first travel dating ideas, you need to read this article till the end. 

Top Reasons Why Music Concerts Make the Best First Date Ideas:

1. Eliminates the need for small talks – Music concerts are loud, like really loud which makes having conversations with your partner almost impossible. And while this can be problematic when you are into your date and wish to converse with them, it can be a boon in case of first dates. You don’t have to say something continuously to fill-in the awkward silences or stress continuously about asking the right questions. You can just relax, ease, and have fun. Alternatively, these music concerts can also prove to be interesting conversation starters. If you’re at a music concert, there is a good chance that you probably know a couple of band/s performing there, you may use this opportunity to talk with your date about what you know about the band/s or their music.

2. A low-pressure date idea – First dates can prove to be intimidating. When you’re not sure how to respond to questions and you want to impress your travel friend, you want the atmosphere to be as comfortable as possible. When you’re at a music concert, it’s easier to relax and have fun. It can be unnerving sitting in a fancy restaurant, looking at your date from across the table, wondering what to say, and not wanting to make eye contact when something awkward happens. At a music concert event, the focus is on the music, not the silence that is bound to occur. With live music and plenty of people watching, even awkward moments can be avoided.

3. Get close to your date – If you wish to get close to your travel companion, dancing at the music concert is always a good idea. All you have to do is to feel the beat of the music, take the lead, and start grooving. The most important part of any first date is to have fun and that’s exactly what you are doing here. Also dancing together gives you a chance for a little bonding and is a great way to see how your date expresses themselves.

4. Inexpensive date idea – Splurging on a first date is probably not the best idea, especially if your vibes don’t match and if you are not seeing them again. And while music concerts tickets for popular bands are expensive, you can get tickets for not so popular but great music bands can be procured at very cheap prices. If you and your travel buddy are happy to watch less popular bands, you might not have to pay anything at all for your date. 

5. Reveals your date’s taste in music – If you are what many people consider as a music snob, your date’s taste in music can be important and a deal-breaker for you. If you are wondering whether something as ubiquitous as music can prove to be a big part of someone’s romantic relationship, the answer is definitely yes. According to an interview of Chris and Drew Newkirk, the co-founders of the popular show, the songs that saved your life, by the leading online dating website OkCupid, music can help express feelings which words really can’t.
Drew Newkirk who is also a licensed psychotherapist says, “Your best and worst moments are defined by the music you listened to during the darkest or most triumphant times in your life. Music helps us feel understood, which is why we put it in such high regard when we are selecting and deselecting people”. And what better way to understand your potential partner’s music interest than taking them to a live music concert, right?

6. Music unites us – If you are someone shy who really struggles while having to talk to a person initially and that ultimately affects your travel dating life adversely, consider taking your partner to a music concert. Particularly to a concert by music band which you and your companion mutually like. This will provide you so much to talk to your date afterward or during the set’s break. Trust us when we say this that music is one of the best conversation starters and will help you know so much about your date and will also provide you an opportunity to know him/her in a better and more intimate way. 

7. Music concerts are safe – A lot more people out there are meeting online to start off their relationships. As a result, when you first meet someone online and are looking to meet them in a safe space, there is nowhere better than a concert. After all, this will give you the chance to meet one another where there are plenty of people around to make you feel safe and a lot of people that you can reach out to if something isn’t right, which is a rare occasion but still something to be prepared for. Even if you get stood up, you’re still at a concert!

8. You get to know your date – Last but not least, you will get the opportunity to spend a lot of time with each other when you go out to a concert for the first date. Instead of dinner and a show that can be over in about three hours, you can spend most of the day at the concert with each other. That will give you much better exposure to your date so that you can see if the two of you are a good match. You won’t even need a second date to let you know if there is a potential future because you’ll be used to your date’s personality by then!

9. A wonderful first date memory – In the recent past and even now, every couple used to have “their song.” This song is the one that is played on the radio when the guy asks the girl out or a song that has major significance to them. Either way, if you’re in search of that kind of romance in your relationship, what better way to get a song that will suit you than by listening for one at a live venue? You just have to make sure that you are at the right venue before you start setting up the mood for your relationship so that the song feels right for both of you.

Tips While Taking Your Travel Date to a Music Concert:

1. Pay attention to your date – This one is a no-brainer. While on a music concert date, pay attention to the person you are there with and don’t get too engrossed in your phone. The rule of thumb to have a great first date is to live in the moment. Both the band you love and the person you like is right in front of you for once, not on a screen. So sure, snap a few photos and videos. But the rest of the time? Put your phone in your pocket and do not frequently look at it.

2. Be safe – As fun as music concerts can be, they also can be a bit dicey. Everyone has a story of someone fainting, a fight breaking out, a beer spraying everywhere, or some other mishap that happened at a concert. So be safe. Make sure you know where the other person is at all times. If you do separate, keep your phones on you. Make sure your wallets are fastened away safely and be aware of what is going on around you. Finally, take the time to memorize three locations: the emergency exit, the medical booth, and where you parked the car.

3. Show affection – Don’t get too lost while enjoying the concert. You are there with your partner and they need to be appreciated. You are on a date, so act like it. Offer to buy your date a drink, hold their hand, sing softly into their ear, put your arm around them and sway. Show your date that you are there for them just as much as for the band.

4. Figure how to pay for the date – We know that figuring how to pay for a date is a little bit dicey, but it needs to be clear to avoid any misunderstanding later on. Typically the one who asks is the one who pays, but if the tickets are pricey, split it, then offer to pay for drinks later if that’s more affordable.

5. Buy your tickets beforehand – Make sure to buy your tickets early to ensure that you get the perfect seats. Whether you want to be near the front and experience the music band from really close, or near the back for a more romantic and secluded atmosphere, you will want to save your seats in advance. Don’t wait for the last moment to buy the tickets or don’t opt for buying tickets after reaching the venue. There is a good chance that in both the above cases, you wouldn’t get the tickets, and instead of enjoying a lovely date with your partner, you would be left with disappointment and have to probably cancel the date. This will also adversely affect the way your first date views you and there is a great possibility that you might not get a second date opportunity with the person.

6. Arrive early to the venue – Be sure to arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of the music concert, as running late may cause you to have to wait to enter and create an unnecessary hassle for you and your partner. Arrive early and ensure neither you nor your date misses a single minute of the music concert. Also, arriving a few extra minutes before the event starts gives you the time to know your date a bit better, chat a little, and be comfortable with them.

7. Arrange your transport wisely – Make sure you’re clear on the parking options before you leave to avoid driving around in circles and missing the opening act. Nothing puts a damper on a date like bickering about being late. If you want to skip the parking altogether or you plan to enjoy a few adult beverages, arrange for alternative transportation, like a ride-share or taxi.

8. Enjoy yourself – Last but not least, don’t forget to enjoy yourself and just have pure fun while you are at it. Do not unnecessarily stress yourself out, relax, and be yourself. This will ensure that your date is also relaxed and having fun with you and there are no awkward moments. 


Xoxo Tours emphasizes that music concerts are one of the best out of the box ideas for first dates. People usually go for clichéd first date options such as dinner or coffee. But there is no need to limit yourself. If you and your date love music, there is no better place to go and enjoy yourself than a music concert. 

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